1. Hoppas att det gar 2:43
2. Mowiee 3:42
3. Skiss till jazz 1:48
4. Liturgiskt beat 4:26
5. Persisk park 3:18
6. Soon song 2:26
7. Ett tungt ok 3:17
8. Skar 2:05
9. Optimistbeat 4:10
10. Nationsjazz 3:18
11. Inte Quanta 2:42
12. Tango noll 3:37
13. Morkradd vals 3:01
14. Fur Munju 2:52
15. Mowiee II (LH -83) 2:30
16. Lita
All music and vocals by Lars HOLLMER.
Final mix was made in the Chickenhouse by Lars HOLLMER and Tomas GABRIELSSON, 1983.
Songs and illustration music from the «small hours» in the Chickenhouse. The music on this record is coloured by the night hours when it was made during the Spring of 1983.
Alone out in the Chickenhouse with only the wall clock as company and with the window as a black mirror of whats happening indoors, different thoughts and feelings are expressed under the pale moon.
интервью с гитаристом группы Coste Apetrea и с Larsом Hollmerом www.artrockknot.narod.ru/Reviews/smm.htm