1. A Raise Of Eyebrows 2:16
2. Freedom For Four Voices And Me 2:25
3. Psychedelia 1:08
4. Positives 2:15
5. Its All Very New, You Know 5:37
6. A Female! 0:22
7. Certainly Random 2:49
8. The Eye That Nearly Saw 4:29
9. Two Fifteen String Guitars For Nice People 2:28
10. From An Electric Train 3:23
11. A World Of Too Much Sound 2:07
12. Another Female! 0:06
13. WeRe All Going To Liverpool 3:57
14. Ha! Ha! But Reasonable 1:37
15. Roll Em, Bowl Em In Three Movements 3:05
(Part 12 Organs.
Part 32 Acoustic Guitars/Electronics.)
16. Duet For Two And Street Market 2:47
(2 Voices/Portobello Road Street Market)
(2 Electronically Processed Piano)
18. Waiting For Life 1:18 (Voice)
19. The Middle Of Whose Night? 2:29
(Counter Tenor/2 Cellos/Bassoon)
20. Wrap A Keyboard Round A Plant 3:18
(Piano/Electronically Processed Banjos)
21. Twist And Knit For Two Guitars 2:25
(2 Acoustic Guitars)
22. Up Above My Heart 2:02
(Piano/Simulated Gospel Choir)
23. A Cymbal And Much Electronics 2:40
(1 Cymbal/Electronics)
24. To Roger Waters Wherever You Are 3:01
(Voice/Wind/Fire 83 Electronic Bagpipers)
25. Mr. Peugeots Trot 1:12
(Electronically Processed Pianos)
26. Upon Composition 2:59
(Voice/Electronics/Old Bits Of Pieces)
27. Concrete Line Up 2:22
(Organ/Electronically Processed Piano/Tape Delay System)
28. Rise Up Sebastian! 2:27
(3 Voices/Acoustic Guitar)
29. Looming View 2:02
(Electronically Processed Organs)
30. CanT You Stop That Thing? 2:40
(Banjo/Acoustic Guitar/Voice)
All Tracks Written By Ron Geesin.