modern progressive ::.

one improv:pooks part 1 [195Kb 1:40 16kbps11kHzmono] 3:22
psykial trysm: two shafoo 6:49
three najha 6:14
four etude de shimshot 9:25
five improv: uncertain journey 5:17
six solilock 4:48
seven absinthe 9:21
eight crab nebula 6:20
nine improv:pooks part 2 7:29
art rock ::.

1. (Hells Greedy Children) Last Days of Cain 13:14
(a) Dead Man Rising (b) Tears of Tomorrow (c) Ixions Conclusions
2. Bad Karma (Monsters and Men) 8:07
3. (i) First Gate Open Yet Closed 4:03
(i) First Gate Open Yet Closed (Ghosts of Jericho Part 2) (ii)
Looking Heaven in the Face
4. Corcyra The Suppliants 6:33
5. (i) Dreaming Makes the World 11:49
(i) Dreaming Makes the World (ii) Variations (iii) The Blood Plains of
Hev-Hem (iv) Forever (v) Aborted
6. (i) The Last Supper (Ylixieas Dream) (ii) In Deep Waters 2:26
7. Ghosts of Jericho (Part 1) 5:24
(a) Secrets of Hidden Things (b) I Spy With My Little Life
8. (i) Black Rain (ii) Webs 6:26
9. Silently Seeking Euridice 13:40
(a) A Lovers Tale (b) The Stalkers Dance (c) Fixing Broken Hearts
(d) The Trickery (e) The Stalkers Stance Intending It (f) Will-o-
the Wish
art rock ::.

1. Plaetea 1:38
2. End of all songs 8:16
3. Question fo sport 6:37
4. State of confusion 4:21
5. Missionary position 7:12
6. Ghost dance 4:38
7. Tabernacle of hands 8:02
8. Unspoken words 5:39