Lars HOLLMER - accordion, piano, keyboards, melodica,
voice, drums on [6], bells.
Sven AARFLOT- bassoon, saxophone, flute, keyboards,
Sven JANSSON - keyboards, piano, voice.
Olle SUNDIN - bass, keyboards, "guitar",
balalaika, bassdrum on
Marten TISELIUS - drums, glockenspiel, voice.
1. Spanska trappan 5:53
2. Vendeltid 5:10
3. Utflykt med damcykel 4:50
4. Eyeliner 3:16
5. Through glass 4:40
6. Snogang/Klocklat 3:51
7. Gitarette 1:40
8. Karusellmusik 3:38
9. Misery 6:00
10. Experiment on tour 2:36
11. Alfa Beta Pas du valse 2:04
12. Profetgospel 3:18
13. Joggingcharleston 1:40
14. Det maste bli gjort
[5] was mixed in Urspars Mobila by Tomas GABRIELSSON
and Lars HOLLMER.
[10] is a cutted version of six live concerts (Gothenburg, Hannover,
Wurzburg, Neuchatel, Liechtenstein, Kungalv).
Live mixes was made by Gunnar SVENSSON, who also participated on
the mix of [9].
Cutting work by Lars HOLLMER.
German translation of [10]was made by Wolfgang SALOMON and prof.
Thanks to Olle SUNDIN and to Sven JANSSON
for inventive playing arrangement of their parts on [3].
про SAMLA MAMMAS MANNA почитать можно
интервью с гитаристом группы Coste Apetrea и с Lars'ом Hollmer'ом: www.artrockknot.narod.ru/Reviews/smm.htm
This piece of covered plastic consists of several
different orchestral pieces, recorded in the home environment of
Lars HOLLMER in Vendel, and in the Chickenhouse during Autumn 86
- Autumn87.
All the final mixes, except [5]and {10]was made
by Lars HOLLMER, with the assistance of Olle SUNDIN in the Chickenhouse
during August -September 1987.